Fragment | Meta is a distributed dance performance rebooted for the Z9 exterior. Combining a range of creative methodologies, and digital tools and processes Fragment| Meta alters the dancers’ morphologies through a site responsive layer within the choreographed work. The location functions as a series of potential inputs that impact upon the existing choreography. These inputs affect the sequence of movements, duration and impulses within the work. Fragment | Meta is an experimental and agile performance that draws on Boolean style statements of action and re-action thus offering a further scoring process for the dancers to continually shift and be directed by. Fragment | Meta seeks to enable the dancers to be agents within the space and for the site and audience to be intrinsic data-sets that the dancers mine as potential fields for movement innovations and disruptions.

  • Date:
  • Location:
    Z9 QUT Creative Industries Faculty, corner of Kelvin Grove road and Musk Ave